Tag: Trojans

Unveiling PUAMiner:Win64/CpuMulti – The Hidden Threat to Your System

In today's digital landscape, threats to our computers come in various forms,…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 6 Min Read

Trojan:MSIL/ArkeiStealer.AATB!MTB – A Stealthy Threat to Your System

In the realm of digital threats, Trojan:MSIL/ArkeiStealer.AATB!MTB is a perilous adversary that…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

Atuct Service Virus: Detection and Removal

The Atuct Service Virus is a notorious representative of the Trojan Horse…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 5 Min Read

GoPIX Malware Removal Guide: Protecting Your Pix Transactions

GoPIX is a malicious program targeting the Pix instant payment platform in…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 6 Min Read

Unmasking Trojan:Win32/Cryptnot.AARK!MTB – A Stealthy Threat

Trojans are a class of malicious software that often disguise themselves as…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 6 Min Read

Unveiling the Threat: Trojan:Win64/PenTera.AA!MTB

In the realm of cybersecurity, the term "Trojan:Win64/PenTera.AA!MTB" may sound like a…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 6 Min Read

AZORult Trojan: What is it and how to Protect from it?

The infamous AZORult trojan is using a fake ProtonVPN installer to dupe…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

IcedID banking trojan tricks users with COVID-19 & FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) phishing emails

Back in 2020, hackers attempted to capitalize on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 3 Min Read