Tag: Free Scan

Bitcoin NFT Verification Scam: A Comprehensive Guide

Phishing scams are deceptive tactics used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 8 Min Read

Insom Ransomware: A Formidable Cyber Threat

Ransomware is a particularly menacing type of malware designed to extort money…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 8 Min Read

Understanding Adware and How to Combat Comisopoacoin

Adware is a type of malicious software designed to generate revenue for…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 5 Min Read

Altisik Service Virus: Understanding the Threat and How to Remove It

The Altisik Service virus is a relatively recent cyber threat that has…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 5 Min Read

Nedbank Email Scam: Combatting Phishing Scams & Protecting Your System

Phishing scams are a common and deceptive method used by cybercriminals to…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 10 Min Read

Lucky Makop: Understanding Ransomware

Ransomware is a particularly malicious form of malware that encrypts the files…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 10 Min Read

Updates-macos.com Adware: A Growing Cybersecurity Threat

Adware, short for advertising-supported software, is a type of malware that automatically…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 8 Min Read